Short on a Laveen Home Down payment?
By David Baker
Home down payment problems for your home purchase in Laveen AZ or South Phoenix? Truth is you’re not alone; many people have a hard time saving up enough money for their down payment. That is why there is many programs that help want to be home owners with down payment assistance. Yet, now it appears there is a new tool in lenders bags that can assist a want to be home owner with their down payment on a South Phoenix or Laveen AZ home.
For many years the easiest way for buyers with little down payment to get in a home was with FHA financing. To buy your South Phoenix or Laveen home with FHA financing, requires a 3.5% down payment on the buyer side. There are no restriction on gifts, so if you have a relative who is willing to gift the down payment that has been acceptable. Unfortunately not all people have a willing and able relative to assist. Well, now there is no need. A just received a new flyer by a lender which allows those buyers that qualifies to get FHA financing with as little as ½% down payment. Yes that is right; you can now purchase your Laveen AZ or South Phoenix home with as little as ½% down payment. As an example let’s say a $200,000 purchase on a new Laveen AZ home. Your down payment if you qualify will only be $1,000.
So what are buyers waiting for, the time to buy in Laveen and South Phoenix is NOW. If you have good credit, descent income, but are cash poor – this program is for you.
It is called the CHF Access loan program. If you’re looking to buy in the South Phoenix or Laveen AZ area, and would like some help getting into a home, request I contact you here:
Or simply call 602.373.6345.