Remax has been my brokerage of choice since 2010. It is where I have hung my real estate license since leaving Keller Willaims Lifestyle realty in 2010. As a realtor specializing in the South Mountain and Laveen area I wanted to remain at a local office. Remax had a great local presence so the choice was easy.
Chosing to be a Remax realtor was actually pretty easy. For one I wanted to associate myself with a professional entity. Remax has been a global presence for about 4 decades. Remax also has a great presence in the Valley of the Sun. I also wanted a company that can offer tools to help in my job. Remax offers plenty of tools to help in your every day business. They have tools that help make flyers, postcards, e-mail templates, database management and plenty more. Lastly I want a good broker, and Remax had a broker on hand with over 20 years experience.
Working at Remax the last 3 years has also exposed me a lot to new situations to benefit my buyers and sellers. We all know that the real estate market over the last five years has been bad. The values of homes in the valley went down in many areas by half. As a Remax agent I helped many home owners that faced financial difficulties by assisting with a short sale. As a Remax agent I completed easily over 50 short sales. These short sales were a needed at the time. Many home owners could no longer afford payments and short sales allowed an exit strategy. As a Remax agent, I also listed and sold many bank owned homes (REO). My brokerage listed Freddie Mac, Hud, Bank of America and other bank foreclosed homes. This again was a result of the bad economic times. The take away from having worked short sales and bank owned homes, is the ability to better help my clients.
Over the last several years as a Remax agent we did a lot of volume. As an Remax agent I sold over 50 homes a year since 2010. Several of the home were bank owned homes, but many were also short sales and traditional. An average real estate agent in the US only sells 7 homes a year. That is less than 1 a month! As a remax agent the last several years I developed process to help stream line the process of helping both buyers and sellers. Helping buyers secure a home faster. Helping sellers get top dollar for their home in the quickest time possible. Knowing what strategy to use to get what was needed. These are all things that benefit my clients, and I can share because of the experience learned and earned.
I write this post, just to share what I’ve learned as a Laveen realtor over the last several years.
PS – If your a first time home buyer looking to buy a home and getting beat by investors. Consider a hud home, they only allow owner occupants the first 30 days. Click link to view some hud homes.