Who is buying homes in Laveen AZ July 2015?
Ever wonder, as a seller, who is buying homes in Laveen AZ? Well, as a seller I would think this might be a good question to ask yourself. At the very least, if you’re going to be selling your home, this should be a great question to ask your realtor. I would also hope if you decide to sell your home that you choose to list your home with a local Laveen realtor that has both the knowledge and experience in the area. It comes as no surprise to see (happens all the time) that people will entrust a large transaction to someone that is NOT even familiar with the area. Truth, many people will hire a realtor that specializes in for example Cave Creek to come and sell their Laveen home. Never mind that they have never even been to the area, have no buyers in the area, but they will still be trusted to deal with the sale. I guess to each their own. Back to the topic, who are the buyers looking to buy a home such as yours?

The above statistical analysis is for homes sold for the month of June 2015, and also compares a little to the same month last year. What are some of the take a ways’ from this chart? Well first off, to answer the question and title of my article, the folks currently buying Laveen homes are owner occupant buyers. Gone are the days of investors coming in and paying cash, not requesting repairs and taking the home off your hands in “as is” condition. I’ve marked above where it shows the number of FHA sales, conventional sales and cash. Almost 60% of buyers are either buying with FHA or VA loans, and these loans are pretty specific to owner occupants. There is also about 27 that were done conventional, which all told account for a vast majority of the buyers in Laveen for June 2015.
What else can we learn about buyers in the Laveen area? Well right now the vast majority of homes that sold for the month of June 2015, about 53% were homes that were priced between $150,000 and $200,000. Homes priced about $200,000, but below the $300,000 mark have been selling as well, but the inventory is much larger for that price range. In other words the price range where most homes are selling, selling the quickest, have the least number of homes for sellers to compete against is the $150,000 to $200,000 price range. Once you go over the $200,000 price range at this time, you are seeing a larger inventory of homes, and as such more properties that you as a seller may have to compete against to sell your home.
Does this help? I hope so, as it gives you a couple of ideas as to what has been going on with the Laveen real estate market. The lower price range is in a seller market which is of course going to benefit the seller. You will see that homes in that price range may get more buyers to view the home, and subsequently also get more interested parties in wanting to buy the home. While this may help you “NET” more money, I would not expect to get over market value for the sale of your home. Why could you not expect to get over market value? Well, if you look at the above chart again and my article, you’ll again notice that most homes being sold are FHA, VA or Conventional home loans. Do you know what all these loans have in common? The commonality of all these loans is the requirement for the home to have an appraisal performed. This means that the home will need to have a professional appraiser out to the home and use comparable properties sold recently to determine the current market value. So if all the homes in the area are selling for “x”, chances are the appraisal for your home will also come back as “x”.
Are you looking to sell your Laveen home, and in need of a local Laveen Realtor? You’re in luck, I’m a realtor and just happen to both live and specialize in the Laveen and South Phoenix area. Let me put my knowledge and expertise to work for you, helping you NET the most money. Chances are, I may even have a buyer in tow at this time. One thing about a realtor specializing in the Laveen area, is that generally have potential buyers for the Laveen area. Call me today, a consultation is free, and I would like the opportunity to earn your business. David 602.373.6345